What You Need To Know About HVAC Training And Trade School

Are you ready to start an HVAC training program? If HVAC certification is your next career step, take a look at what you need to know about this type of trade school.

How Long Is HVAC School?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), most HVACR training programs take anywhere from six months to two years to complete. The specific number of months or years it takes you to become an HVAC technician depends on several factors. These include:

  1. The type of trade school program. A certificate or diploma program may only take six months or one year to complete. But an associate degree typically takes longer (two years).
  2. Practical experience. Even though HVAC training includes in-class instruction, you'll also need to complete hands-on training. These practical experiences or apprenticeships allow you to work with an HVAC professional and learn by doing.
  3. Full- or part-time status. The less time you spend in school, the longer your training will take. While some students need a part-time schedule to maintain work or family obligations, full-time training will get you work-ready sooner.

Discuss the course schedule and your expected completion date with an HVAC program consultant before you register for classes. The school's staff can help you to better understand the time-frame for a degree or diploma completion.

Does HVAC School Guarantee a Job?

Whether you want to get an HVAC certification, choose commercial HVAC training, or select an air conditioner repair school, it's likely you have one goal—to get a job.

According to the BLS, jobs in the HVAC industry is projected to grow at a much faster than average rate of 13 percent between the years 2018 and 2028. While completion of a trade school program doesn't guarantee a job, it can help you to:

  1. Gain expertise. A training program provides you with the technical knowledge you'll need to work in the HVAC or refrigeration field.
  2. Get experience. Not only will you develop a solid knowledge base, but you'll also get the hands-on experience you need to work as an HVAC professional.
  3. Network in the field. Whether an instructor mentors you or you meet experienced contractors during a fieldwork experience, a trade school program can help you to network with other HVAC professionals.

If you want to start a career as a heating, air conditioning, ventilation, or refrigeration professional, HVAC classes are the first step towards a job in this field. Reach out to a professional who provides HVAC training for more information. 

About Me

Choosing A Trade School Program

After I finished high school, I could tell that college wasn't for me. I didn't want to run the risk of not graduating, and I was really overwhelmed by the thought of a traditional four-year program. I started thinking about what I wanted to do with my life, and it occurred to me that the trade school near my home had an HVAC program that seemed like it would work out really well for me. This blog is all about choosing an incredible trade school program that can help you to further your skills, so that you love your new job.


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